
'Energy Independence Day': Take Two

Pelosi's July 4, 2007, pledge unfulfilled one year later while media still promote freedom from foreign power.

MSNBC Host: Former NYSE Chief 'Poster Child' for 'Excess'

Brzezinski, Buchanan skeptical of Grasso pension; guests jump to defend.

NBC News: Oil to $300-$400 a Barrel if Iran Attacked

Network's chief foreign correspondent warns Middle East turmoil could more than double petroleum price.

ABC: Penguins are the Next 'Canaries in the Coal Mine'

'World News' reports new population study that promotes global warming alarmists' agenda.

ABC Misses Investment Opportunity as Stock Market Slumps

'World News' segment about bad month for markets ignores investing golden rule: When stock prices are cheap is the best time to invest for long-term.

'Nightly News' Scapegoats Countrywide for Housing Downturn

Report accusing mortgage lender for unscrupulous lending practices ignores borrowers responsibility and airs as states sue the company.

CNN: Suburbs the New Ghetto with Neighbors 'Firing' Crack Pipes

'Your $$$$$' team mentions blogger feedback about being too 'grim,' but spreads fear about foreclosure effect on suburbs.

CBS Warns of Dental 'Death Spiral,' Ignores Problems with Public Dental Care

'Evening News' excludes free market solutions for tooth problems in favor of universal health insurance.

Morning Show 'Depression' Obsession: Is Today Another 'Black Friday'?

NBC and ABC compare stock market to worst financial crisis in U.S. history.

NBC: Is GM Going Out of Business?

Stock slumps to a 53-year low; Bloomberg TV analyst recommends bankruptcy for automaker.
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