
Morning Shows: More Government to Help Economy?

Gas prices, jobs and stocks, oh my! Could another 'stimulus' be the answer?

'Good Morning America's' Expert Blames Heat Wave on Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Stanford professor says carbon dioxide and methane 'we've added' are making it hotter; climatologist refutes that assertion.

Author Blames Lack of Draft for Blackwater's Rise

Iraq war opponent Jeremy Scahill rails against paid security contractors that lessen the burden on the U.S. military.

CNN Uses 'Manipulated' Number to Attack Debt Arbitration Group

'American Morning' calls dispute resolution system 'seemingly unfair' but leaves out context of personal responsibility.

CBS Downplays Cost of New 'Green' Inhalers

Environmental treaty will cause costly phase-out of CFC inhalers and replacement inhalers could cost three times as much.

Israel-Iran Tension Causing Oil Price Surge, CNBC Analyst Says

John Kilduff says early spike in oil stems from Israeli Transport Minister calling attack on Iran's nuclear facilities 'unavoidable.'

Former MSNBC Host Tucker Carlson: 'The Press Love Obama'

Network's senior campaign correspondent notes pro-Barack bias, says Couric's failure a product of changing media.

CNN's Gergen: 'Democratic Congress' Will 'Move Toward Raising Taxes'

'Issue #1' considers how McCain and Obama 'differ' on taxes.

CBS Lauds Vaccines, Admits 'No Idea of What Actually Causes Autism'

'Evening News' reminds viewers protection from diseases outweighs potential risks from vaccinations.

CBS Plays With Numbers to Create Driving Trend

Network exaggerates 'crisis' by highlighting increase of four drivers running out of gas each day.
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