
Wash. Post on Obese Children: 'Parent' Never Mentioned

Article celebrates victories of anti-food advocates pressuring businesses.

'Evening News' Hits Against Metal Bat Manufacturers

CBS blames aluminum bat maker for horrible accident, familys lawyer calls metal bats a "weapon."

BusinessWeek Dedicates Blog Exclusively to 'Recession in America'

The site's purpose: 'to uncover the stories of how individuals are coping with the downturn.'

'Squawk Box' Guest Warns of $12-15-a-Gallon Gas

Robert Hirsch, an energy advisor, says CNBC morning show prediction was a citation of the 'Dean of Oil Analysts.'

Pressure Builds on Oil Companies - from Lawmakers, Media and Candidates

Networks give a free pass to Democrats' proposals to levy more taxes on oil companies, even as Senate committee grills oil execs.

CBS Uses Kennedy Diagnosis to Critique Government Cancer Funding

'Evening News' criticizes federal government for reserach funds 'drying up;' praises British government for higher funding.

'American Morning' Beams Over Pro-Tax Warren Buffett

CNN calls world's richest man and Obama supporter a 'genuine real person you could have a great time with' and oh yeah, 'a Democrat.'

Deja Vu: 'Today' Inflates Gas Prices

NBC morning show uses longtime network visual trick to make gas prices seem higher.

'Evening News' Blasts Flame-Retardant Materials

CBS report parrots cause of liberal Maine legislator but downplays the benefits, such as lives saved by chemicals.

The Worst is Yet to Come According to CNN's 'Your Money'

Correspondent Hunter suggests even the Great Depression can't compare to current 'crisis.'
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