
Consumer Confidence: Only News When It's Low(er)

Just how low is consumer confidence - or how high? The media have historically focused on low reports while ignoring highs - and their own role in shaping opinions on the economy.

Sen. Kerry Blames Tornadoes on Global Warming

Former Democratic presidential nominee blames 'intense storms' that have killed more than 50 on climate change.

Surprise: Despite Bleak Predictions, Retail Sales Climb in January

Even with 0.3 percent increase, 'Morning Joe' co-host remains convinced that economy is 'heading' for downturn.

Enviro Shocker: Biofuels Production Contributes to Warming, Studies Say

Two studies show clearing land for biofuel production will do more harm than it would prevent.

'World News' Jumps to Criticize 30-Day Foreclosure Freeze

Left-wing organization spokesman calls program unveiled by U.S. Treasury Dept. 'a PR effort.'

ABC 'World News' Goes after Credit Card Companies

Network fails to explain: just because the Federal Reserve cuts interest rates, it doesn't undo supply and demand in the credit market.

Couric: Stocks Too Risky? Try Stamps

'Evening News' anchor advocates 'safer investment' in postage stamps and portrays meager savings as profit.

Oops! CBS Warns of Rough Day for Stocks, but Dow up Big

'Early Show' forecast of 'rough morning' for U.S. markets turns into a gain of 176 points.

ABC: Housing Crisis Leading People to Burn Down Their Homes

Segment portrays home borrowers nearing foreclosure as high-risk for arson with extreme statements.

$168-Billion Stimulus 'Too Little, Too Late,' Says Burnett on NBC

CNBC's Burnett questions whether bigger-than-expected stimulus package is enough to spark a slowly growing economy.
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