
Bush Defends Tax Policies Against Media Attack at CPAC

President explains how his tax policy helped grow the economy; criticizes liberal health care proposals.

Obama, Thomas and Liberal Bias

The media paint the Supreme Court Justice's autobiography as angry, but ignore the rage in the presidential candidate's autobiography.

Election Watch: Paul Bashes McCain for Global Warming Alliance with Gore

Texas congressman addresses CPAC audience immediately following McCain's plea for conservatives support.

Media Gas Price Scares Running on Fumes

Predictions of fast-approaching $4-gallon gasoline are evaporating.

Buchanan: McCain 'Will Make Cheney Look Like Gandhi'

MSNBC contributor says candidate must focus on war, 'Islamo-fascism' because 'economy tanking'

Bartiromo Warns Recession Talk 'Begets More Weakness'

CNBC host reminds viewers what recession is; analyst says labor market data indicates economy will not hit recession.

The Worst-Case Economy Reporting Handbook

Media using extreme cases as examples of how bad the economy is for 'average Americans.'

CosmoGirl's Pot Calls the Kettle Black

The teen-oriented glossy takes a shot at Hollywood and Madison Avenue for pushing sex on young girls. Have they read their own magazine?

How the Media Stir the Brew of Identity Group Politics

By focusing on race, class and gender voting, journalists are driving us apart, not bringing us together.

Post: Bush Budget Spends Too Much AND Too Little

Domestic spending 'cut' - except for that pesky $8.4 billion in increases.
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