
Washington Post Ties Iowa Protester to Violence, Even Though He Wasn't

Eli Saslow follows health care protester, links tea party and conservative protests to violence.

Mika Brzezinski's Revelation: Too Much Focus on 'One or Two' Crazies in ObamaCare Aftermath

MSNBC 'Morning Joe' co-host ponders why so much attention has been given to 'certain fringe' members of Tea Party protests.

National Geographic Warns Global Warming Could Lead to Genocide

Magazine claims 'higher temperatures increase human aggression.'

Local Journalism Centers: Government's Backdoor to the Newspaper Business

The New York Times reports that the Corporation for Public Broadcasting is setting up local journalism centers.

Gasparino: Media Cheerleaders Mean Dems Won't Pay A Price in November

FBN correspondent says media are allowing Obama the 'leftist' to ruin the economy.

Obama Signs Business-Hurting, Tax Pledge-Breaking Health Care Bill into Law

In month leading to bill's passage, network evening shows failed to expose job-threatening tax increases or remind viewers of president's 'firm' promise to taxpayers.

HuffPo: ACORN was brought down by ... the New York Times?

Two leftwing editorialists assert the Gray Lady was Karl Rove's courtesan in destroying community organizing group.

MSNBC Contributor Equates State Lawsuits Against ObamaCare to Causes of the Civil War

Princeton professor Melissa Harris-Lacewell suggests the Civil War settled federal government's right to dictate health insurance policy was settled by .

Rep. Maxine Waters Calls Protesters 'Teabaggers'

California congresswoman claims their side overcame tea party movement efforts to derail health care reform legislation.

The Economist Ditches Reality and Advocates Climate Change -- No Matter What Numbers Say

Magazine tosses aside facts and calls for action against global warming.
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