
Christian Science Monitor: Public Just Doesn't Know Enough About Climate Change

Writer says Hollywood will help get environmental message out, as if it doesn't already.

Networks Barely Mention FCC Plan to Spend Up to $350 Billion for Broadband Internet

Media outlets either ignore story or support government plan to increase service to all, even though 95 percent of Americans already have access.

Bachmann Rips Media for Not Covering Deem and Pass; Suggests Pelosi Impeachment Warranted

Minnesota congresswoman asks why 'treason media' aren't telling story of how congressional Democrats circumventing constitutional process.

Hume: Befuddled Reporters Sign that Pelosi Health Care Moves Unprecedented

Veteran Fox News journalist explains House Speaker's effort to force ObamaCare through and the bill's survival to this point 'truly remarkable.'

Moore: Uninsured Dying Because They 'Hold American Instead of Canadian Passport'

Multi-millionaire socialist filmmaker writes check on-air to Olbermann's Astroturf clinic charity.

Gore Attaches Global Warming as Cause to Last Weekend's Storm in Northeast

Former vice president points toward weather events as evidence of climate change during 'strategy conference call' for supporters.

Study in Bias: Two Takes on Financial Regs -- Journal vs. NY Times

CNBC 'Squawk Box' co-host Joe Kernen challenges the Times take on Dodd's financial regulation, accuses paper of 'coming from the left with propaganda.'

'60 Minutes' Silent on Government Role in Financial Crisis

A 24-minute CBS report on the financial crisis never once mentioned federal government complicity.

Moyers Blasts Chamber of Commerce, Insurance Industry

PBS host complains that both are greedy; state health care industry says 'to hell with consumers.'

Cramer Declares Tax Avoidance within Code a 'Patriotic Duty'

'Mad Money' host debunks liberal misnomer that paying more taxes is 'patriotic' on a legal basis.
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