
Paulson Tells CNN: Americans 'Save too little,' 'Spend too much.'

Former treasury secretary blames crisis on overspending and 'global imbalances.'

AccuWeather's Bastardi Warns New Federal Climate Service Effort to 'Shut Down' Debate

Meteorologist calls new bureaucracy under the Commerce Dept. an 'indirect way' to regulate what people are thinking.

ObamaCare in the House (M.D.)

Episode of medical drama takes shots at evil private insurance companies.

NY Times Demands Discrimination Payments to Black Farmers; Ignores Massive Fraud

Paper incensed about bureaucracy when it hinders racial reparations, not when it shields class action fraud.

MSNBC's Ratigan Blames 'Snowpocalypse' on Global Warming

Host claims heavier precipitation the result of climate phenomenon and blasts Virginia legislators for suggesting otherwise.

How Conservatives Found Twitter and the Evolution of '#TCOT'

Grassroots activist Michael Patrick Leahy explains how conservatives used social networking to organize out of the wilderness.

CNN Finds 'Good News' in Jobs Report, But CNBC's Burnett Argues 'The Numbers are Bad'

Allan Chernoff downplays revision of 1.2 million more jobs lost since recession for CNN.

NBC Feeds Toyota Fears; Ignores Government's Conflict of Interest

Toyota safety incidents are rare and the transportation secretary's boss owns a competitor, but you'd never know it from 'Today.'

Franken to Comcast, NBC on Merger: 'I Don't Trust These Promises'

Minnesota junior senator claims merger could prompt higher cable rates and force cell phone carriers to own a TV network in order to compete.

Obama Submits Largest Budget in History, But Portrayed as Fiscal Conservative by Networks

ABC, CBS and NBC reports on federal budget give the president pass on spending, ignore critical liberal and conservative economists who argue it is 'unsustainable.'
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