
CNBC's Santelli Brandishes Huge Hammer to Illustrate Obamanomics

Reporter warns government should take a more surgical approach to regulation and slow spending growth, not raise taxes and fees.

Scarborough Shows Low Taxes = Low Unemployment in New Hampshire

MSNBC 'Morning Joe' host draws a parallel between tax rates and unemployment by comparing state to Rhode Island.

Is GM Owner Federal Government Playing Politics with Toyota Recall?

Media overlook Obama administration Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood.

Media React to 5.7 Percent GDP Growth: 'Great News for Consumers'

But economists including liberal Paul Krugman call it an 'inventory blip.'

Cramer React to Speech: Notes Nat Gas Ignored by Obama; Defends Geithner

CNBC 'Mad Money' host calls President's nuclear overtures 'boilerplate,' insists embattled treasury secretary not a 'joker.'

Forget Sham Spending 'Freeze,' Obama's Proposals Would Cost $70.5 Billion

Taxpayer group releases line-by-line price tag of State of the Union speech.

Olbermann Touts Man Who Created 50 Green Jobs with Stimulus Funds

MSNBC host fails to point out that each job cost nearly $2 million.

Ronald Reagan Would Be 'Unamused' by Tea Parties, Says Liberal Son

Lefty radio personality Ron Reagan accuses conservative tea partiers of having 'Hitler signs,' though most came from ultra-left group.

Media Ignore Contradiction between Obama's Middle Class Giveaways, Spending 'Freeze'

With State of the Union address imminent, the press downplays costs, finds little economic criticism of proposals designed to recapture middle class support.

Cramer Rips Obama's 'Lurch Toward Populism'

'Mad Money' host says president's 'anti-shareholder rampage' riskiest time for investors since Carter administration.
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