
Maddow Invents New Terms to Degrade Conservatives: GOP-Baggers, Tea-Publicans

MSNBC host vents about Rep. Parker Griffith's move to the Republican Party in attack on the tea party movement.

Morici Says Health Care Bill, CBO Estimates Based on 'Nefarious' Assumptions

Maryland economist says 'reform' bill will cost 'typical American family' up to $2,000 more for coverage.

NBC's David Gregory: 'Disappointing' Republicans Unwilling to Vote for ObamaCare

'Meet the Press' moderator laments 'incredibly polarized time' in D.C. as GOP fights government takeover of one-sixth of economy.

Double Standard: 'Fairly Big Split' Among Liberals on Health Care Downplayed

Daily Kos founder Markos Moulitsas admits divide in 'progressive movement'; receives little fanfare as compared to media exploitation when conservatives disagree.

USA Today Profiles CEO Who 'Stands Up to Protestors'

Dan Vasella of Novartis Pharmaceuticals shares tips on confronting the opposition.

Scarborough: Rahm Fired as White House Chief of Staff 'Over the Next Year'

MSNBC host explains to BBC Radio 4 how anti-lobbyist tack has backfired on Obama administration.

ClimateGate Fallout: Russian Think Tank Says Temperature Data was 'Cherry-Picked'

IBD: Institute of Economic Analysis says warming could be exaggerated by '0.64 degrees Celsius.'

Kudlow to Bernanke: Have More than 70 Senate Votes or 'Consider Withdrawing'

CNBC host warns Federal Reserve chairman 'cannot survive and govern effectively if 30 or 35 senators vote against him.'

CNBC's Santelli: Tea Party Popularity 'Dollar-Friendly'

Network's Mercantile reporter explains strength of 'Tea Party' movement makes congressional gridlock more likely, slowing government spending and propping up the dollar.

New York Times Portrays Fannie, Freddie as Private 'Companies'

Talking about need for 'continuing infusions' of taxpayer cash, Times ignores Federal origin of problem.
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