
NPR to Stations: 'Avoid' Saying '46 Million Americans' Are Uninsured

Managing Editor confirms that 'guidance' memo was sent to members to stop making controversial claim.

NBC's 'Today' Includes Michael Moore as Expert to Attack Wall Street

Morning show continues media attack on bankers and bonuses with propagandist filmmaker.

CNN Frets About Cigarette Companies' Color Coding 'Tricks'

Smokers need to be 'protected' from having a choice of cigarettes.

Broadcast Nets Celebrate Dow 10,000 with Calls to Restrict Wall Street Bonuses

ABC, CBS and NBC all go populist, using Dow Jones Industrial Average breakthrough to emphasize class envy points.

Newsweek's Fineman Invokes Rahm on Health Care: Obama Not Making Use of 'Crisis Mode'

'Countdown' host Keith Olbermann suggests Congress threaten to strip insurers of antitrust exemption as punitive solution to push reform.

Cavuto: Since Obama Blames Bush for Economy, Does Bush Get Credit for Dow 10K?

Macro Portfolio Advisors VP Jim Lacamp says if Bush fault for the economic collapse, you have to give credit for rescue moves made in late 2008.

'Good Morning America's' Snowe Job on Medical Bankruptcies

ABC allows senator who voted for health care bill to cite misleading statistic regarding medical debt.

Chris Matthews Rude Awakening: $787-Billion Stimulus 'A Big Grab Bag of Stuff'

MSNBC 'Hardball' host and CNBC 'Mad Money' host Jim Cramer criticize stimulus and realize Obama won't get credit for economy until jobs come back.

Surprise: NFLPA Union Chief Opposing Limbaugh Bid a Democrat Donor

Since 2004, DeMaurice Smith has donated only to Democratic candidates in presidential and congressional elections.

CNN's Christine Romans Calls Health Care Reform Estimate 'Impossible'

'American Morning' 'fact-checks' insurance industry's estimate of higher costs under Senate bill.
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