
NY Times Plays Photo Tricks to Condemn Chevron in Ecuador Dispute

Newspaper uses recent photo of state-run oil company's pollution to make it appear Chevron is at fault.

McCain Regrets Wall Street Bailout; Despite Having Voted For It

In CNN 'SOTU' interview, the former GOP presidential nominee expresses TARP disappointment, but host John King neglects to ask if regretted voting for it.

CNN Anti-Earmark Story Leaves out Obama's Failure to Reform

Bash calls out three senators for earmarks to companies that gave them contributions, but not the president for his broken promise.

Documentary Review: The Answer to Third World Poverty is Capitalism

Airing tonight, Oct. 8, 'The Power of the Poor' illustrates how property rights and legal reform improves lives and defeats tyranny.

MSNBC Goes Into Astroturf Mode: Advocates Using Free Clinics to 'Shame' Senators

Olbermann, Maddow exploit poor people to target Democratic senators reluctant to support a public option.

Networks Ignore Democrat Defeat of Immigrant ID and Their Push for Coverage of Illegals

News media covered dust-up over Joe Wilson, but not recent developments that support his claim.

Michael Moore: Foreclosed Homeowners Like Rape Victims

Filmmaker tells Sean Hannity blaming irresponsible borrowers 'like asking a woman how short was your skirt after she's been raped.'

Left, Media Gearing Up to Thwart Limbaugh's NFL Bid

Left-wing organizations, along with MSNBC, CNBC taking shots at the conservative talk show host effort to buy the St. Louis Rams.

GMA Hypes Food Scare with Latest Doom-and-Gloom CSPI Study

Morning show uses one-sided study in hit-piece on food industries.

Maddow's 'Creepy' Reasoning: Blasts GOP Senators for Differing on Obama's Foreign Policy

Host suggests Inhofe, DeMint anti-American for differing with president on global warming, Honduras; neglects similar trips by Democrats during Bush Administration.
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