
CNBC's Kudlow Parts Ways with Network's Green Agenda, Calls Creating 'Green' Jobs 'Overrated'

'The Call' co-host launches into attack on 'pie-in-the-sky, airy-fairy thinking' of Obama White House economic policies.

GE's Jeff Immelt: Global Warming 'Compelling'; Cap-and-Trade Most 'Effective' Way to Go

CEO of parent company of NBC Universal argues for carbon price to create 'certainty.'

Broadcast Networks 'Hail' Obama Auto Fuel Efficiency Standards

ABC, CBS and NBC air regulation proponents by 6-to-1 over critics and sugar-coat the downsides of the presidential policy.

Matthews to Skeptical Congressman: 'Are You a Luddite, a Troglodyte?'

MSNBC host belittles California congressman Dana Rohrabacher for not buying into man-caused global warming.

CNN's Cooper Sorry about 'Teabagging' Comments from April 15 Show

Host tells audience at UCLA using the double entendre is something he 'regrets' and did not intend to disparage their right to protest.

Beck Slams California Tax Hike Proposition, Calls for Real Budget Cuts

Fox News Channel host criticizes Schwarzenegger's fear tactics, proposes cuts to sea otters and migrant day care instead of releasing prisoners.

'Evening News' Lauds the Government Growth as 'Economic Bright Spot'

CBS segment depicts the expansion of government as a positive for the overall U.S. economy, without identifying how the new jobs will be financed.

'Skeptical Environmentalist' Doubts 'Underwater Manhattan' Global Warming Scenario

Lomborg: 'If it really were true that Manhattan will be 20 feet underwater in 10 years, there would be no time to reverse global warming anyway.'

New York Times Bolsters Ecuador's $27-Billion Shake Down of Chevron

Story employs anti-oil company talking points blaming former energy giant Texaco for nation's woes.

NBC's Answer to Irresponsible College Student Borrowing: More Government

'Nightly News' segment absolves student borrowers from mistakes of their early adulthood.
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