
Media Research Center

Media’s Top 10 Most Embarrassing Predictions of 2013

Getting it wrong, news outlets’ erroneous forecasts: like online shopping, abundant Atlantic hurricanes, $24 billion government shutdown and more.
Media Research Center

Obama Recruits President of Soros-Funded Group

John Podesta, founder of left-wing Center for American Progress, to be presidential counsel.
Media Research Center

Climate Alarmist Dismisses ‘Arctic Blast,’ Hypes Warming Fears

Despite extreme cold, alarmist still grasps at global warming myth.
Media Research Center

Paranoid Ted Turner Hypes Global Threats, Promotes Population Reduction

CNN founder freaks out to Fortune Magazine about nuclear war, climate change, overpopulation.
Media Research Center

Media’s Chicken Little Hurricane Predictions Fall Flat

ABC, CBS and NBC evening news shows don’t admit that their preseason stories were wildly wrong.
Media Research Center

HuffPost’s Absolutely Ridiculous Proposals for America

‘Genius ideas’ include ‘no strings attached’ income for every citizen and maximum pay for executives
Media Research Center

Stuffed Full of it: Top Five Food Police Turkeys

The media love a good food scare.
Media Research Center

Senator: Sports Stadiums 'at Risk from...Sea-Level Rise Effects of Climate Change'

Sen. Whitehouse also claims ponds won't freeze, people won't be able to play hockey. 
Media Research Center

GOP Destroying Islands with Climate Change, Businessweek Says

‘Financial’ magazine warns of drowning island, claims ‘it won’t be the last.’
Media Research Center

Journalists' Union Helped Push Nuclear Option, HuffPo Admits

Communications Workers of America has promoted a liberal agenda in the past.
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