
Media Research Center

‘Hyperactive’ Hurricane Season Almost Makes Record for Zero Hurricanes; Networks Quiet about Climate

Humberto becomes first Atlantic hurricane hours shy of inactivity record.
Media Research Center

Occupy Wall Street Documentary Promotes ‘99%’ Just in Time for OWS Anniversary

Newly released Sundance film celebrates the ‘inspiring’ legacy of the anti-capitalist movement.
Media Research Center

CDC Funds Faulty Anti-Alcohol Study That Targets Budweiser

Media misinterpret Hopkins analysis of tiny number of emergency patients.
Media Research Center

MSNBC Uses Bogus Picture to Bash Beef

‘News Nation’ hypes Politico story on return of lean beef to some school lunches.
Media Research Center

Politico Back to Sliming Lean Finely Textured Beef

As beef returns to some schools Politico attacks the product ABC damaged in 2012.
Media Research Center

Santelli on Market Rally after Jobs Report: ‘What Are We, A Banana Republic?’

Stocks improve despite ‘lousy’ unemployment numbers.
Media Research Center

Soros-Funded ProPublica Also Has Secret Snowden Documents

Reuters makes no mention of ‘independent’ organization’s liberal leanings.
Media Research Center

Alec Baldwin Speaks for One of Least Respected Companies in America

Capital One ranked eight on a list of 10 companies viewed poorly by consumers.
Media Research Center

Proselytizing for Unions: AFL-CIO Announces Holiday ‘Labor and Faith’ Services

Union group that also represents journalists supplies materials for faith communities to ‘highlight shared goals’ like social justice.
Media Research Center

NYT Hypes Leaked Documents To Promote Climate Alarmism

Front-page story claims ‘near certainty’ on warming,’ warns of dire impact of climate change even though IPCC says leaks were ‘misleading.’
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