
Media Research Center

Broadcasts Ignore ‘Bizarre twist’ of Chevron Ecuador Lawsuit

Several years ago, CBS’s “60 Minutes,” CNN and The New York Times tarred Chevron with biased reporting about a lawsuit between the oil company and an “eco-radical” group called Amazon Defense ...
Media Research Center

Biofuels Harm Planet, Cost More, British Group Says

Chatham House think tank says biofuels are ‘worse than fossil fuels.’
Media Research Center

Over $1 Million from Soros to Group that Broke McConnell Tape Story

Founder of Media Consortium, Mother Jones, promotes work of Kentucky Super PAC.
Media Research Center

Bloomberg Contributor Urges Government Regulation, Ownership of Broadband

“We need to recapture the regulatory ideal. That ideal is that regulation of infrastructure, government intervention, makes free markets and free speech possible.” Susan Crawford said at the ...
Media Research Center

Five States to Tax Guns, Three Networks Silent

NBC, ABC, and CBS ignore states using sales tax to infringe on Second Amendment rights.
Media Research Center

FDA Still Says BPA OK; Networks Continue Criticism

Bisphenol A ‘safe at the very low levels that occur in some foods,’ but that doesn’t stop broadcasts from questioning its safety.
Media Research Center

‘Assault’ Movie Another Attempt to Glorify Occupy Wall Street

Director Uwe Boll makes movie about violent overthrow of Wall Street executives.  
Media Research Center

Eco-Terrorists Attack Conservatives in New Film

 Enviro film ‘Greedy Lying Bastards’ opens in more theaters after box office flop. 
Media Research Center

CDC Exonerates Vaccines Years After Media Stirred Up Fears

Dr. Frank DeStefano studied over 1,000 children; found no vaccine-autism connection.
Media Research Center

Higher Gas Prices the ‘Price of Cleaner Air’

ABC, CBS, NBC promote new EPA regulations, undermine critics.
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