
CNN Money Reporter Hits Keystone Pipeline from Far Left

Defending indefensible, author doesn't reveal environmentalist sources.
Media Research Center

Occupy Movement Turns to Comic Book Writers for Support

'V for Vendetta' creators among artists working for Occupy Comics.
Media Research Center

Occupying the Classroom: NYU to Offer Class in Occupy Wall Street

Media's favorite protest to become a college course, despite irony of OWS classroom walk outs and protests of student loans.

Soros Cash, Left-Wing Talking Points Fuel ALEC attack

Bloomberg Businessweek goes after free market non-profit.
Media Research Center

Liberal Journalists, Lefty Economists Created Occupy Wall Street Mantra

99 vs. 1 percent theme stems from class warfare messaging of lefties, repeated by media outlets including New York Times, PBS and Vanity Fair.

Too Easy Being Green: Muppet Villain an Oil Tycoon

Kids flick continues Hollywood's streak of bashing oil companies, businessmen.
Media Research Center

Just in Time for Thanksgiving, Media Hypes BPA Scare in Canned Food

ABC, NBC reports hype threat of exposure of BPA in canned food, uses left wing reports
Media Research Center

This Thanksgiving, Media Still Stuffed with Food Police Message

Media outlets maintain tradition with anti-obesity reporting heavy on calls for food regulation, taxation, with a side of shaming the overweight.
Media Research Center

Media Pump Up Obama Despite High Gas Prices, Hype Dropping Prices

Meanwhile, per gallon prices still 60 cents higher than last year, $1.56 higher than when Obama took office.

Media Promote Myth of Clinton Golden Years, Hype His New Economic Book

Coverage of 'Back to Work' maintains storyline of Clinton's era of prosperity, downplay his role in later economic collapse.
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