
Jobs Grow by 103,000, But Obama Still 6.2 Million Jobs from Promise

September shows job gains, unchanged 9.1% unemployment rate

Soros-Backed Voting Study Promoted By Soros-Funded Media

Report claiming 5 million voters disenfranchised pushed by liberal media echo-chamber.

Awful Unemployment Rate Left Out of More Than 3/4 of Job Stories

Network evening shows talk about employment woes, but rarely mention 9.1 percent figure.

Networks Call Solyndra 'Headache' for Obama, But No Problem for Green Jobs Policies

ABC, CBS and NBC all report on scandal surrounding failed solar company, but refuse to criticize the loan program it utilized.

Washington Post: Obama Green Jobs Cost $5 Million Each

Will networks report massive cost for failed program?

Bugged by Gold: Price Climb Vindicates Conservatives, Confounds Liberals

Dramatic spike in gold value flies belies liberal conspiracy theories about collusion between conservative media, gold companies

Here We Go Again: Networks Back Obama 'Replay' on Infrastructure Spending, Stimulus

President and media stuck on repeat, but ABC, CBS, NBC won't admit it; argue for more money to fix roads, bridges.

Historic! No New Jobs Added in August; First Time since 1945

CNBC's Rick Santelli guesses right net payroll figure, but unemployment rate remains steady at 9.1 percent.

Media Say Little about Policy Failures of Obama's New Top Economist

If confirmed, Princeton lefty will replace Austan Goolsbee as head of the Council of Economic Advisers.

Networks Barely Criticize Obama's Disastrous 'Green Jobs' Policies

Criticism excluded from 92 percent of network news reports, despite bankruptcies of federally subsidized companies.
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