
Finally: Bloomberg BusinessWeek Adds Balance to Media Coverage of Chevron/Ecuador Dispute

Magazine's 'Jungle Justice' story gives extensive treatment of both sides of protracted legal battle.

No Nukes: How Three Mile Island was Disaster for Media Credibility

More than 30 years later, nuclear accident shows how media hype can make a bad situation far worse.

Networks Ignore Faith-Based Groups in Japan Disaster Aid Coverage

For five days following the earthquake and tsunami, networks focus solely on government relief efforts.

Unemployment Below 9 Percent 'Bolsters Recovery Hopes' in 2011, But Little 'Consolation' in 1983

New York Times very downbeat in Reagan's day, despite much bigger monthly drop in jobless rate than February 2011.

Networks Link Bush to 'Skyrocketing' Gas Prices 15 Times More Than Obama

Mideast unrest has sent pump prices up rapidly, but networks mention GOP president in more gas reports than today.

Networks Stand with Wisconsin Unions, Ignore $1-3 Trillion Pension Deficit for Five Days

On sixth night of protest coverage, ABC finally notes government pensions underfunded by at least $1,000 billion.

Foreign Unrest Raises Energy Worries, but Media Put Down Coal

Broadcast news emphasizes industry accidents nearly 80 percent of the time; ignore EPA and Obama attacks on U.S. industry.

Santelli Slams CNBC Panelists for Spinning Jobs Report

CNBC's floor reporter criticizes 'kool-aid drinkers' for trying to find good news in the 'disappointing.'

Video: Nine Most Terrifying Words

President Reagan once said the scariest words were: "I'm from the government and I'm here to help." Yet, that is precisely what President Obama and the news media keep promoting.

Book Review: 'Climate of Corruption' Digs Deep Into Climate Change Agenda, Finds 'Big Lie'

Unlike the network news media that have campaigned against global warming for years, new book details the politicization of climate science.
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