
Bolivian President Calls for Death of Capitalism, Climate Tribunal

Evo Morales Cancun summit speech reveals radical anti-capitalist intentions of warming movement.

Not So Merry Jobs Report: Unemployment Up to 9.8 Percent

Despite forecasts of 75,000 to 200,000 jobs, 'tepid' 39,000 new jobs disappoints news media.

Bloomberg BusinessWeek's Eric Pooley: Inhofe 'Was Right' About U.S. Climate Bill

Global warming alarmist admits senator's prediction about cap-and-trade legislation was correct; portrays ClimateGate as step back.

Cancun vs. Copenhagen: Have the Media Forgotten About Global Warming?

A Year after broadcast network-hyped U.N. Climate Change Conference in Denmark, same networks don't even mention same event in Mexico.

Feds Threatened Citizens United President with Criminal Prosecution Prior to Court Challenge

Plaintiff in Citizens United v. FEC SCOTUS case was warned he would face five years in prison for violating campaign finance laws.

WaPo's Ezra Klein: More Charitable to Give to Policy Think Tanks than Food Banks

Columnist attempts to 'politicize' charity, suggesting government can do more good than traditional charities.

'Fish Story': NBC's 'Today' Disregards Motives in Seafood Industry Attack

Jeff Rossen ignores economic and political interests and omits contradictory data in segment warning against dangers of imported seafood.

ClimateGate 1 Year Later: Networks Barely Cover Scandal, But Defend and 'Exonerate' Accused Scientists

Climate controversy shook public's faith in global warming science, but not network news media's. Reporters downplayed allegations, defended the science and turned accused into victims.

Economist Bjorn Lomborg's New Film Says 'Cool It' to Warming Scare Tactics

'The Skeptical Environmentalist' calls for rational climate change debate, policies.

Friedman Admits He Deliberately Exaggerates China Threat

New York Times columnist paints doom and gloom scenario for U.S., place onus on GOP for so-called 'bipartisan' action.
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