
CNBC's Kernen Declares Obama's Populist Tactics Proof He Advocates 'Redistribution of Wealth'

'Squawk Box' host tells viewers president's tax policy a signal 'he really believes that wealth needs to be redistributed after the income disparity over the past 30 years.'

Dobbs to Obama: 'Quit Whining and Start Leading'

Former CNN host scoffs at president's new embrace of free enterprise, calling it a 'death-bed conversion.'

Bartiromo: GOP-Controlled House 'Most Important Near-Term Catalyst' for Economy

CNBC 'Closing Bell' anchor says Republicans in charge of Congress would be a positive for stock market.

CNN's 'Glass One-Quarter Full' Spin: Emphasize Private Job Gains

Labor Day jobs report shows 54,000 lost, small rise in unemployment; 'American Morning' finds the silver lining.

'Fast Money' Panelist: Drilling Moratorium 'Shows a Tone-Deafness From This Administration'

CNBC's Jon Najarian castigates government for '75,000 jobs in the Gulf of Mexico that have been idle for no good reason.'

Labor Day Special: Top 10 Union Highlights of the Obama Administration

Big Labor has reasons to celebrate: an ally in White House and a cheerleading left-wing media.

HuffPo: 'Missed Opportunity' of BP Spill, Cap and Trade, are 'Point of No Return'

Jim Garrison laments the failure of the eco-left to legislate change on climate issues, surprisingly suggests private sector might be quickest route to change.

Joe Joins The Food Police

For someone with a "libertarian bent," Scarborough sure has a soft spot for big government in the kitchen.

Shock at CNN: Banks Doing More than Obama for Homeowners

Free market helping more delinquent borrowers than government plan.

Shocker: CNNMoney Criticizes Obama ... From Left

Reporter Jeanne Sahidi bemoans lack of tax increases, ignores high government spending.
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