
Cramer: Democratic Congress, Not Fed Policy, to Blame for Economic Malaise

'Mad Money' host applauds Fed chair Bernanke for not being 'in the way'; says health care and Fin-Reg stalling expansion.

New film Relies On Michael Moore-like Graphics Vilifying CEOs, Investors, Wall Street

Will Ferrell movie 'The Other Guys' latest Hollywood attack on business.

Ground Zero Mosque Backlash a Symptom of Economy Says Think Progress Blogger

Former JournoList member Matt Yglesias psychoanalyzes conservatives to declare positions can only be rationalized in a bad economy.

New Iranian Submarine Threat Could Send Oil to $200 a Barrel

Analyst warns underreported 'terrorist' threat to the Strait of Hormuz could have detrimental effect on oil prices.

Freddie Mac Demands More (and More)

AP reports GSE requests another $1.8 billion in aid, bury omission from financial reform bill.

ABC Blames 'Decline of Organized Labor' for Income Stagnation

Reporter Ray Sanchez gives ample story space to SEIU union rep and member, avoids criticism of unions.

CNN's Unemployment Report Misses Mark by 71,000 Jobs

Anchor Kyra Phillips misreports that 60,000 jobs vanished in July; actual decline was 131,000.

Fin-Reg 'Hope and Change': Santelli Laments SEC FOIA Restrictions

Provision in recently passed Dodd-Frank Act gives regulators ability to limit transparency.

ABC Highlights 'Sharp' Increase in Income Gap

Reporter Rich Blake notes 'four decade' gap increase, ignores tax rates and inflation

Hype-brids: Networks Tout Green Vehicles but Americans Buy 4 Times as Many SUVs

ABC, CBS, and NBC cover hybrids 3 to 1 over SUVs, yet SUV sales climb nearly 40 percent while hybrid market share declines.
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