
Attacks on Business Fill Newsweek's List of 'Best Business Literature'

List includes books bashing Murdoch, hedge-fund managers, boards of directors, and capitalism; excludes free market proponents.

ClimateGate 'Whitewash' Helps 'Clear' Scientists, U.S., International Media Claim

Lefties complain about lack of media coverage of Muir Russell report, critics point out study was commissioned by university under review.

Columbia University President Champions 'More Public Funding' for Media

Head of school that includes prestigious journalism program warns against 'trusting the market alone' for news coverage.

Doomsday Seed Trip Emits 24,300+ lb. Carbon Footprint

Bipartisan delegation creates more carbon in one 'global warming' trip than average person generates annually.

AP: How Dare Steinbrenner Die in 2010

Less than 24 hours after baseball boss' death, newswire decries suspended estate tax, heirs' 'unexpected bonanza'

CNN Money Promotes 'Other Kinds of Government Assistance'

Report advertises federal aid, downplays individual spirit in addressing unemployment.

Environmentalists Using Religion, Oil Spill to Promote Green Agenda

Media see 'opportunity' to push cause, suggest embracing environmentalism as faith-based response to disaster.

Time Magazine Isn't Chicken about Debunking Organic Eggs

Breaking from liberal media ranks, newsmagazine reveals organic eggs no healthier than factory ones.

Tax Cut All-Star -- CNBC's Trish Regan: Calls It 'Inherently Un-American' to Penalize Prosperity

'The Call' co-host makes case for Obama and the Democrats in Congress to embrace extending Bush tax cuts and further cut taxes.

Bartiromo: Stimulus Likely Didn't Save Economy; Anchor Credits Fed

CNBC 'Closing Bell' host blames Obamanomics for tepid moves by business to lower unemployment levels.
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