
Time Magazine Cites Lack of Strikes, Rise of Collectivism 'Top Signs of Troubled Economy'

List also takes cracks at health care industry, wacky fast food promotions and big box store weddings.

LeBronomics: Could High Taxes Influence James' Team Decision?

NBA superstar free agent would pay over $12 million in New York income taxes, none in Miami

Nye Delighted About Exoneration From ClimateGate 'Sham'; Calls Skeptics 'Irrational'

Famed 'Science Guy' and global warming alarmist says scandal was based on out-of-context twisted phrases; Lomborg still questions credibility.

Media's Latest Stimulus Push: Spend Now, Tax Later

Krugman's 'third depression' declaration sets stage for more stimulus, paid for by proposals of a gas tax, value-added tax, national sales tax and rollback of Bush tax cuts.

Let Them Drink Starbucks! Mika Brzezinski Wants a Ban on All Sugary Sodas

MSNBC 'Morning Joe' co-host brags about her new adoration for San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom for instituting soda vending machine ban. Credits Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac for 'Propping Up' Housing Market

Story claims housing sector 'would be in worse shape' without GSEs, omit potential $1 trillion cost to taxpayers.

Angry Keynesian: Krugman Threatens to 'Punch' Detractors 'In the Kisser'

NY Times columnist frustrated by criticism of his support for more stimulus spending

125,000 Jobs Lost in June, Media Still Ignore Failure of Stimulus

CNN cites Krugman's worries about ending stimulus, MSNBC asks how recovery can 'hold on' without spending.

Saving Us from Ourselves: 'Evening News' Justifies Federal Tanning Tax

CBS segment defends tanning bed tax with melanoma threat
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