
CNBC's Santelli Warns U.S. 'Could End Up Worse than Japan' and 'Lost Decade'

Network CME Group floor reporter explains Keynesian tactics could lead to potential Greek austerity situation, but U.S. position with a reserve currency complicates problems.

USA Today Cheers Proposed Financial Protection Agency

Newspaper offers 'keys to a new agency's success' list, includes little opposition.

Media-Backed Obama Mortgage Program Flops

Broadcast networks supported homeowner bailout even as 'hiccups' in system were exposed.

Toy story: Food Police's Next Target? Happy Meal Toys

ABC and NBC give priority to liberal CSPI executive Jacobson while putting restaurant's response at very end.

Build-a-Baby: ABC Promotes Designer Baby Services

Web report highlights latest in customized offspring trend: looks-based eugenics.

Zoinks! Media Shocked by Study Showing Kids Prefer Cartoon-Endorsed Products

CNN, USA Today report 'little research' done about character-based marketing, call for regulation and omit parental responsibility

Mother Jones' Corn Says BP Oil Spill Great for Democrats

Liberal magazine reporter explains portraying GOP as pro-BP will score Dems electoral points

Think Progress Won't Let Facts Get in the Way of a Good Attack

Blogger argues validity of Emanuel attack on GOP since controversial comments by Joe Barton are 'evidenced' in a Republican Study Committee statement.

Jack Welch: China Overtaking USA in Manufacturing Much Ado about Nothing

Former GE CEO explains the Asian power produces low-end goods not essential for economic dominance.

NY Times: Study Finds Health Care was Big Topic for Left Talkers

Project for Excellence in Journalism research shows how liberal hosts helped sell ObamaCare.
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