
Antiquated Law Prevents Foreign Naval Aid for Gulf Says Santelli, Heritage Foundation

Jones Act of 1920 keeps out European ships that could complete clean-up in four months vs. estimated nine months some experts believe it will take.

Matthews Perverts Tea Party Movement: Participants View Federal Government as British Occupiers

In preview of his upcoming 'New Right' special, 'Hardball' host ignores movement's fiscal discipline aspect, plays up imaginary violence.

Media Fail to See Obama's Fingerprints on Lack of Press Freedom in Gulf

Reporters from several media outlets claim Coast Guard, FAA and BP have kept them away from oil spill, but few point fingers at White House.

NY Times Dismayed Death Tax Didn't Hit Tycoon's Fortune

Media frustrated that 'accounting quirk' allows money to pass to children, grandchildren 'tax free'

AP Claims FDA is 'Stretched Thin,' Needs More Authority

Institute of Medicine report finds FDA 'lacks vision necessary to protect consumers,' AP ignores funding increase.

Market Analyst: 'BP's Not Going to Last as a Company More Than a Matter of Months'

Energy investment banker tells CNBC clean-up of Gulf oil spill will cause ultimate end of beleaguered oil giant.

Jillette Mocks BP Boycott Try: 'Oh No, Now They're Boycotting us on Facebook'

Libertarian Vegas entertainer and cable personality notes futility of boycott with trouble embattled oil company is facing.

'Forbes on Fox' Panel Argues for Detonating Nukes to Plug Oil Spill

Fox News show consisting of Forbes magazine editorial board offers 'nuclear option' to stem flow of oil from BP spill.

Textbook Example: How the Media Propagates the Mercury-Contaminated Fish Myth

National Fisheries Institute debunks 'Dr. Oz' talking points that exaggerate the dangers of mercury in seafood.

Private Hiring 'Weak,' 411,000 Jobs Out of 431,000 Temp Census Positions

Despite media spin about biggest monthly job growth in 10 years, employment report fell far short of expectations.
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