
Media Favor Regulation, Barely Notice Failures of Regulators

From the government's 'cozy' relationship with BP, to the SEC's failure to catch Madoff; networks attack businesses, but not regulators for mistakes.

Networks Swallow Whole a Study Linking Crop Pesticides to ADHD

ABC, NBC, and CBS dwell on shielding children but only show five seconds of industry response.

Leading Global Warming Skeptic Lindzen: Time to Abandon the 'Skeptic' Label

M.I.T. professor says 'skepticism' implies anthropogenic global warming theory a 'plausible proposition.'

Liberal Bomb Thrower: Rep. Michele Bachmann a 'Phony-Ass Broad,' 'Skank'

Talk radio host Mike Malloy unloads misogynistic attack on Minn. congresswoman for take $30,000 in funding from government.

British Journalist and ClimateGate Vanguard: Global Warming Debate as 'Important' as Winning World Wars

U.K. Telegraph journalist credited for coining the term 'ClimateGate' maintains manmade warming debate a fight for 'liberty.'

Scientist: Global Cooling is the Real Crisis

Global warming conference participant says reduced sunspot activity may cause extreme cold fatalities, mass starvation.

BMI Video: Taking Lessons from Washington

GM Claims 'We Have Repaid Our Government Loan.'

'Dr. Doom' Roubini to Synagogue Audience: Israeli Air Strike on Iran 'Would Lead to Another Global Recession'

Prophetic economist warns that an attack from the U.S. or Israel on Iran would have 'financial consequences.'

Media-Battered Goldman Sachs Polls Lower than Toyota in Favorability

Despite 52 deaths linked to automaker's acceleration problems, Toyota polls seven times higher than investment bank.

The Untold Story of Astroturf: Corporate-Sponsored Environmentalism

Media often criticize Tea Party activism for being promoted from top down, while green movement openly backed by major corporations.
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