
'60 Minutes' Hit Job on Chevron Flawed, Journalism Review Admits -- 11 Months Late

Pelley's so-called investigation of oil companies alleged pollution in Ecuadorian rainforest 'an exercise in innuendo.'

Networks Fail to Report on VAT Tax Since Volcker Call for Tax Increases

White House adviser calls 15-25 percent European tax 'not as toxic an idea;' some online news media praise consumption tax as 'efficient,' 'only option.'

Arianna Huffington Exploits Coal Mining Tragedy, Cries for Bigger Government

In the face of contrary evidence, she demonizes business and laments weak regulation.

Newt Still Defends Global Warming Commercial with Pelosi: 'We Need a Green Conservatism'

Gingrich contends he was seeking common ground with liberals on climate change issue, but says current legislation is 'just pure socialist.'

Brian Williams, Media Critic? Anchor Questions Newsweek's Headline 'America is Back'

'Nightly News' anchor asks if Wall Street and 'covers of magazines' havea disconnect with Main Street.

CNBC's Quick Rips ObamaCare: 'At Some Point You Need to Take Responsibility for Yourself'

'Squawk Box' co-host disparages popularity of provision allowing adults to remain on parents' health insurance policy until 27th birthday.

Current Unemployment Rate Will Be Around 'Years From Now' Says Santelli

CNBC floor reporter not optimistic in long-term forecast as the economy attempts to regain footing.

Another Left-Wing Attack on CNN: Group Demands Network Not Air 'I.O.U.S.A.: Solutions'

Campaign for America's Future concerned cable news channel is 'fanning the flames of deficit hysteria.'

Orman Blasts Greenspan for 2004 Mortgage Remarks; Still Blames Banks for Financial Crisis

CNBC host says former Fed chairman made ill-advised comments on mortgage crisis, but still holds Wall Street accountable.

Lefty Commentator: 'I Finally Found a Tax I Don't Like -- and it's This VAT Tax!'

On FBN, liberal attacks value-added tax from the left.
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