
Jesse Jackson and HuffPo's Next Crusade: a Student Loan Bailout

The Reverend has found a new grievance group: students in debt.

Misappropriating Ronald Reagan: Liberals Use Conservative Icon to Promote Agenda

Left-wing talking heads are asking 'what would Reagan do' to promote agenda on global warming, tea parties and Obama.

Let's Outlaw YOUR Business Next

First they came for the student loan providers, and I did nothing ...

CNN: Got Student Debt? Give Yourself to AmeriCorps or the Peace Corps

Network's Elam enthuses over government schemes that steer students away from the private sector.

Rhodes: People Listen to Rush Because 'He's on Every Radio Station -- They Have No Choice'

Behar panel laments fall of Air America and suggests it wasn't lack of audience for liberal content, but being 'run really badly.'

Santelli: $4 Gas, $150 Oil Coming This Summer

CNBC CME floor reporter explains investors could flee equity markets for commodities, including energy and put a hurt on consumers.

Glimmer of Hope: CNN Suggests Democratic Economic Policy Could Create 'Jobless Welfare State'

'Your $$$$$' co-host Romans wonders if extending jobless benefits for 99 weeks could create society dependent on government.

YouTube Gives Gore an Earthday Megaphone

Google site helps former VP spread warming propaganda.

Networks Praise New Fuel Standards, Call Them 'Nothing Short of Historic'

Critics of latest government regulation absent from evening news coverage.

Mediaite Attempts to Elevate Pseudo-Con David Frum to Biblical Status

Contributor Tommy Christopher equates GOP to 'cult' and suggests conservatives will be sorry for not embracing the former AEI scholar as economy improves.
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