
Alarmist 'Six Degrees' Producer Says Global Warming Catastrophe Not 'Even Likely'

Author Mark Lynas tells audience the 'Armageddon' scenario featured in his film probably won't happen.

'GMA' Super Tuesday: Health Care, 'Recession' and Hillary in a Tutu

Anchor Robin Roberts lobs softball questions to Democratic presidential hopeful Clinton.

Media Stack the Deck for McCain and Obama on Culture Issues

Journalists give their favorite candidates a pass when they play race, religion or gender cards, but jump on the rest.

Charting the Public Cost of Celebrities

The LAPD said in a statement Thursday that it used a number of resources in escorting the ambulance transporting Spears to UCLA Medical Center because of previous, overly aggressive actions of ...

Behar Blames Restaurants for Obesity, Declares People 'Victims' of Eating

'The View' co-host says restaurants, not overeaters, are to blame for obesity.

'Today' Co-Host Vieira Loses Carbon-Belching Super Bowl Bet

Bet involves a plane flying around New York City with a 'Today' banner saying 'Giants Rule, Meredith Drools.'

'World News' Criticizes Faith-Based Financial Adviser for Being Anti-Debt

Anchor Dan Harris says following Howard Dayton's Christian financial advice might mean 'radical belt-tightening.'

New Republic Editor: McCain Could Be 'Nixon-to-China' on Global Warming

Liberal magazine's Foer says stance on climate has 'virtues', but he must cope with conservative 'lunatics' in base.

CNBC's Burnett Says Low January Jobs Number 'Misunderstood'

'Street Signs' anchor tells viewers the Labor Department's 'businesses dying estimate' always happens in January.

BusinessWeek Champions Case Against Free Trade

Article highlights all the reasons to oppose globalization in America.
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