
A Silver Lining to High Oil Prices

GMA calls foreign investment of oil profits into American businesses an 'unusual source' for U.S. economic relief.

NBC Lobbies for $2.5 Billion in Smithsonian Funding

'Nightly News' implies liberal senator wants money for museum, but even she calls for cuts.

'Hannah Montana Scandal': CBS Whines about Ticket Cost

Reporter claims she can't take kids to show because of price, so regulation must be the answer.

Rather Blasts 'Huge Corporations' that Intrude into Newsrooms

Former 'CBS Evening News' anchor blames corporations, Internet and 9/11 for changes in media climate.

After-Thanksgiving Weekend Sales Stronger Than Predicted

Retail sales show big gains, although several media outlets warned of the worst.

Shhhh! Bush Did Something That Worked

Media wrong about holiday travel woes; don't give president credit for flight corridor.

Less Regulated Approach to Kidney Transplant 'Troubling' and 'Radical' for Evening Broadcast

As the system now stands, individuals have little control over organ donations and transplants.

ABC Exaggerates Thanksgiving Costs to Show Traditional Feast Will Gobble Wallets

Cost of a typical Thanksgiving dinner still a bargain, some say, and when adjusted for inflation, costs are actually down.

Brokaw: Washington Post Print Paper 'Probably' Dead in 10 Years

Former NBC anchor told Washington audience newspaper would be digital by 2018.

Networks: Holiday Sales No Reason for 'Ho, Ho, Ho'

CBS continues trend as most downbeat of network newscasts for economic coverage.
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