
Global Warming Hot Enough for CNN a Second Day

Meteorologist points out more flaws in Gore film 'An Inconvenient Truth.'

CNN Meteorologist: 'Definitely Some Inaccuracies' in Gore Film

Marciano applauds chance that 'Inconvenient Truth' might be banned in British schools.

CBS Still Down on Blackwater After Firm Rescues Polish Ambassador in Iraq

After company's CEO Erik Prince is grilled by congressional Democrats and castigated by the media, security contractor does its job in Iraq.

Networks Give More Time to Democratic Critics of Blackwater 'Mercenaries'

Both CBS and NBC also overlook the $100 million saved by hiring private contractor versus the government providing security through State Department.

When the Story's Got Children, Who Needs Facts?

Media coverage of State Children's Health Insurance Program expansion heavy on liberal talking points, light on its unattractive reality.

Newsweek: Global-Warming Skeptics Are Like Moon-Landing Deniers

Magazine's Senior Editor dismisses 'fairness/accuracy/balance' in climate change reporting because deniers lack 'empirical merit.'

ABC Discovers Free Market Cure for Curbing Meth Abuse

'World News' praises billionaire who tackled Montana's drug problem with business sense.

CBS Looks for Hidden Agenda of GOP Contributors, Not Democrats

'Evening News' interrogates Giuliani 'bundler,' but skips over President Clinton's contribution-related appointments.

Six Models in a Bathtub 'Conserving Water' on 'Top Model'

The CW's model 'Survivor' goes green and takes on tobacco, all in one episode.

CNN Breaks with Tradition, Airs Positive Economic Story

'American Morning' business correspondent Ali Velshi tells viewers how much the stock market has grown this year, offers optimism about fourth quarter.
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