2/2/2007 12:40 PM ET
Business reporter says higher-paid workers will spend more, but fails to take into account lost jobs, lost hours, lost profitability from businesses.
2/2/2007 11:35 AM ET
Writer attacks industry for thin model preference, but could just as well gripe about customers who drive the New York market.
2/1/2007 5:42 PM ET
Media continue pattern of bypassing Venezuelan dictator's threats against the West.
2/1/2007 5:25 PM ET
ABC's Betsy Stark highlighted applause lines in Bush speech on income gap, CEO pay.
1/31/2007 2:37 PM ET
Media reveal preference for universal coverage in treatment of Schwarzenegger and Bush proposals.
1/31/2007 1:33 PM ET
Article downplays lost of power for 70,000 people as the result of green mandate.
1/31/2007 1:27 PM ET
Reporter Ginia Bellafante puffs up Friedman rival who said Soviet economy was sounder as it was collapsing in the 1980s.
1/30/2007 5:08 PM ET
Reporter depicts court struggle as one pitting company against 'patients rights groups' instead of liberal activists.
1/30/2007 1:34 PM ET
Anchor Gibson fails to explain how labor unions are partly to blame for GM, Ford 'Running on Empty.'
1/29/2007 6:27 PM ET
CNN's 'In the Money' crew, way past 'tipping point' on climate, declares debate has 'come a long way' and laughs at companies' efforts to join climate change movement.