
Media Research Center

The Planet is Doomed No Matter What

Earth Day: ‘ecological footprint’ game ironically predicts resource depletion even for extremely eco-conscious.
Media Research Center

Pity the Fool: Celebrate April 1st with 8 Anti-Capitalist Journalists and Entertainers

These media people insult businessmen as ‘evil,’ call for the return of the guillotine and stoke class warfare.
Media Research Center

Washington Post Thinks School Vouchers are a ‘Bad Idea’

WaPo blogger fails to consider that parents may know better than Washington bureaucrats.
Media Research Center

Media in Love with Bloomberg’s Nanny State Policies

 Time and time again, news outlets promote and praise everything mayor proposes. 
Media Research Center

Media Upset about Judge’s Overturn of Bloomberg Soda Ban

After New York court nixed soda ban, journalists, pundits continued to defend it.
Media Research Center

Bloomberg’s Own Media Outlet Targets NRA

Anti-gun politician’s Businessweek cover story bashes NRA, LaPierre.
Media Research Center

Fracking Opponents May Have Run Afoul of Lobbying Rules

Artists Against Fracking fail to register as lobbying group with state of New York, could face fines.
Media Research Center

Network Evening Shows Attack Gun Industry 3 Times More Than Defending It

NBC, ABC and CBS all hostile to firearm companies.
Media Research Center

Ad Age Wonders if Sugar Will ‘Survive’ Regulatory Onslaught

“Large sugary drinks” got a reprieve this week after a judge struck down New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s ban on drinks above a certain size and in only some dining establishments. But ...
Media Research Center

HuffPo Hypes Anti-Fracking ‘Song’

Sean Lennon, Yoko Ono, Liv Tyler, others sing anti-natural gas song … again.
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