Christian Billboard in Times Square Has a Message for ‘Intolerant Liberals’
There are many provocative billboards in Times Square, especially around the holidays. Rarely do they have a positive message. But a new billboard by one Christian group might make the millions of tourists visiting this New Year’s Eve think twice.
Answers in Genesis, an apologetics group, sponsored a blue billboard with a giant cross on it to appear from Dec. 30, through Jan. 1, 2015, according to The Christian Post. The fifteen-second digital billboard display reads “To all our intolerant liberal friends: Thank God for Freedom.” Christian Post said the message would relocate to a different Times Square billboard on Jan. 2, and later appear in other cities.
Ken Ham, AiG president, said that the image of the cross is something that secularists are trying to remove from the culture at large. According to his group’s website:
“What is the greatest symbol of the Christian message—the message of having freedom in Christ? It is the Cross. And yet, along with Nativity scenes and Ten Commandments displays, Christian crosses are being removed from public places across the US. Working to eliminate Christian things in public places, very intolerant groups of atheists and other secularists are now imposing their religion of atheism on the culture.”
AiG officials stated that whether people hold to the worldviews of Christianity, atheism, Judaism, or other belief systems, religious freedom must be defended, according to the Post.
— Kristine Marsh is Staff Writer for MRC Culture at the Media Research Center. Follow Kristine Marsh on Twitter.