
Psychology Today Writer: Palin 'A Very Special Liar'

Left resorts to psychobabble about 'narcissistic personality' to bash conservative star and former governor.

Huffington Says Glenn Beck Should Be Excluded from Freedom of Speech

Liberal blog co-founder likens popular Fox host's show to shouting 'fire in a crowded theater.'

NYT Wants to Make Reading NYT a Requirement for College Students

A Times promotional email to professors reads: "To begin, please email me with a copy of your syllabus listing the New York Times as required reading."

Newsweek's Lisa Miller Labels Passion of the Christ 'Anti-Semitic'

Magazine ranked Tina Fey's portrayal of Sarah Palin, the beginning of American Idol, and the death of Michael Jackson ahead of movie on list of Top 10 cultural moments in the last decade.

U.S. News' Erbe: Stupak-Pitts Amendment is 'a Privacy Invasion of Massive Proportions'

Pro-abortion blogger wants 'uber-religious' to pay for children they force poor women to bear.

'GMA' Features Chastity (now Chaz) Bono's 'Journey into Manhood'

The 'Alternative Broadcast Company' continues fascination with deviant sex.

Behar's Hurt Feelings: Complains Palin's Anti-Elitism Tact is 'Divisive'

HLN host who doesn't pull punches suddenly cries foul about former Alaska governor's use of 'the real America.'

Entertainment Weekly Praises More Graphic 'Gossip Girl' Threesome

EW claims embellished threesome story line goes 'back up the quality ladder.'

MSNBC Crusades for Tax-Funded Abortion

Accusations of lying, calls for IRS investigations dominate coverage of Stupak Amendment.

In Warning Against Caricaturing Hasan, Newsweek's Miller Caricatures U.S.

Another liberal fears a 'backlash.'
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