
Fall TV Season: A Little Good, A Lot of Bad and Ugly

Family values, Hollywood style; dirty jokes and the gay agenda anchor the 2009 television season.

Pulitzer Winner on Rush's NFL Bid: He Sees 'Visions of Plantation Grandeur Dancing in his Head'

Hunter College professor and author of 'Pimpology' uses challenged quote to make racist charge against Limbaugh; Says NFL should refuse him as owner.

'View' Bids Sad Farewell to Possibility of President Hillary

The same daytime talkers that tore down Sarah Palin are 'sad' the 'inspirational woman' won't run again

CBS Early Show Hits Obama From Left on Gay Rights March

From CBS, you'd never guess gays form part of Obama's liberal base.

The MSNBC Vendetta Continues: Two Hosts Attack Rep. Bachmann … Again

Olbermann, Schultz use segments to respond to Minnesota Republican's observation that MSNBC dedicates a lot of time to her.

HuffPo Writers Produce 'Big Gay Speech We Wish Obama Would Give'

President faces impatience and skepticism at Human Rights Campaign event.

O'Reilly Nails MSNBC for Misogynistic Treatment of Conservative Women

Bachmann calls critics 'personal stalkers, only they have TV shows'; says it bothers them conservatives 'don't need government in order to be successful in life.'

Hollywood Crazy Talk

Roman Polanski case shines spotlight on divide between Tinsel Town and Main Street.

Rep. Michele Bachmann: 'I'm Certainly Not Going to Fear the Likes of Keith Olbermann'

Republican Minnesota congresswoman and constant target of MSNBC on-air personalities calls network 'irrelevant.'
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