
The Latest Shock and Awe

When critics asked if the sex scenes [in HBO's new show, Tell Me You Love Me] were faked or real, actress Michelle Borth became suddenly defensive. We are not porn stars. We're actors, she ...

Fred Thompson's "Trophy Wife"

Plus: Low taxes cause child abuse and a "charismatic" terrorist leader

Why is the Bureau of Prisons Squelching a Child Porn Link to Molestation?

Shocking study indicates that 85% of convicted child porn users may have sexually abused minors, more than double the previous estimates.

Harry Potter: The Issue is Parental Responsibility

Moms and dads must teach children to discern the good and the bad messages in the books and movies.

New York Times Gives Comfort to Wall Street Journal Reporters Worried about Murdoch Takeover

Liberal journalists seem to fear losing their safe sanctuary for bias.

The New Republic Smears the Troops – With a Hoax?

An article written under a pseudonym defames American soldiers in Iraq with dubious, unverifiable stories of cruelty.

Media Let Parents Off the Hook on Childhood Obesity

Are Shrek, Sponge Bob, sugary cereal and pleading children really impossible to resist?

NBC Justifying Vandalism?

A report on the destruction of a Hummer by radical environmentalists takes a distressingly green turn.

Newsweek Takes a Look at Modesty – but Keeps It at Arm's Length

Shouldn't the editors know intuitively that modesty is a good thing?

NBC Coverage of Clergy Sex Abuse Scandal Puts CBS to Shame

Both networks ask what the Catholic church is doing to prevent further abuse, but only one bothers to find the answer.
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