
Media Research Center

‘Sister Missionary Position’: Anti-Catholicism Among March for Marriage Counter-Protesters

You meet the most ridiculous people in Washington, D.C.
Media Research Center

Networks Cover ’22 Jump St’ More Than Twice American Teen Abducted By Islamists

Kidnapping ‘destabilized region,’ but goofy teen movie gets priority.
Media Research Center

I Saw ‘Obvious Child.’ It Didn’t Help.

Infanticide doesn’t get better with context.
Media Research Center

Lefty ‘Parks and Rec’ Actor Schools Journos On What Bill of Rights Really Means

Playing to his audience: Gun control, gay marriage and Fox jokes.
Media Research Center

Daily Beast: St. Joan of Arc Was a Transgender

The Daily Beast’s Michaelson rewrites history to attack traditional Christianity.
Media Research Center

ABC, NBC Reluctant to Name Nigerian Kidnappers as Muslim

CBS rightly calls Boko Haram Islamist 70 percent of time.
Media Research Center

‘The Five’s’ Gutfeld Calls out Media on School Shooting Stat

No retraction from ABC, NBC on grossly inflated shooting number.
Media Research Center

Survey: 80% of Dads Say Media Portrayals of Fatherhood Wrong

And some in the media agree.
Media Research Center

'Obvious Child' not About Abortion, Claims 1,700-Word Article on Abortion

Daily Beast praises abortion comedy while scolding Hollywood for not being pro-abortion enough.
Media Research Center

Book: Research is Clear – Dads Matter

Paul Raeburn says absence of fathers clearly linked to societal problems.
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