
Media Research Center

Days Before 9/11 Anniversary, 94% of Stories Don’t Mention Al Qaeda In Syria

ABC, CBS and NBC largely ignore terrorists among anti-Assad forces.
Media Research Center

Fun with Infanticide! Video Game has Players Search for Abortion in TX

If Wendy Davis’ 11-hour filibuster to protect late-term abortion in the Lone Star State wasn’t proof enough of the Texas pro-abortion movement’s desperation, a new video game does the trick.
Media Research Center

Gosnell Protest: Babies' Bodies Might Be Held For 10 Years By Philly

Students for Life's Kristan Hawkins Confirms
Media Research Center

Daily Beast: Women Choosing In Vitro Over Men is ‘F**king Good Alternative’

Article says ‘No Dad? No problem.’
Media Research Center

Egypt: Churches Burned, Christians Attacked, Networks Barely Mention

ABC, NBC and CBS give week of anti-Christian violence just 5% of Egypt reporting.
Media Research Center

Russell Simmons Apologizes For ‘Harriet Tubman Sex Tape’

Huffington Post Live panelists doubts sincerity.
Media Research Center

HuffPo Blog Encourages Teen Sex Sleepovers to Parents

Soraya Chemaly Demands ‘Responsible-Sex-Is-Good’ Parenting
Media Research Center

One Year Later: Media Continue to Promote Terrorist-Inspiring SPLC

Networks, papers have nothing but praise for “anti-hate” group that slanders conservatives.  
Media Research Center

MSNBC’s Wagner: Fetal Pain Argument About Taking Away Women’s Rights

Alex Wagner notes ‘a concerted effort to roll back reproductive rights.’
Media Research Center

‘Next Top Model’ Contestants Pose In Objectophilia, Gay, Polygamous Weddings

Marriage reinvented is latest model show trend.
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