
Media Research Center

Washington Express Publishes Misleading Ad by Dissident Catholic Group

Ad takes Pope’s remarks out of context, claims ‘abstinence has a high failure rate.’
Media Research Center

Soros Foundation Upset Over Lack of Sex Workers at AIDS Conference

Open Society bemoans that U.S. allows HIV Positive visitors, not ‘sex workers,’ drug users.
Media Research Center

Huffington Post Mangles Bible to Bash Chick-fil-A

Satire piece uses faulty understanding of Good Book to mock Christians, company.
Media Research Center

Chick-Fil-A Publicly Acknowledges It’s Conservative, Media Upset

When the head of a major fast food chain underscores his support for traditional marriage, lefty heads explode. Dan Cathy, son of Chick-fil-A founder S. Truett Cathy, told the Baptist ...
Media Research Center

Clandestine Classics Porns Up Classic Literature

If you needed more proof of America’s culture rot then brace yourself, because on July 30 you’ll be able to experience classic literature with an NC-17 twist. For those who’ve ...
Media Research Center

MSNBC Host Pushes Rap Song Celebrating Death of Reagan

‘The Cycle’ host Toure tweets approval of Killer Mike’s ‘Reagan,’ which says, ‘Glad Reagan Dead.’
Media Research Center

U.S.-Funded Program Teaches About U.S. Media Suppression

Is State Department-funded exchange program demonizing FNC to foreign students?
Media Research Center

Businessweek Cover Mocks Mormons

Magazine joins the anti-Romney effort by examining LDS’ ‘sprawling corporate empire.’
Media Research Center

To HuffPo ‘Quarter Life Crisis’ Means Growing Up, Getting a Job

Twenty-something offers latest from ‘We are Doomed’ file.
Media Research Center

Lower Ed: MTV Teaches Savage Sex to Adolescents

Network thinks professional pervert Dan Savage should be educating 14-yr-olds.
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