Erbe's Attack on Palin Turns into Attack on Life and Religion
To the liberal Erbe, “flainin' Palin” went beyond the pale. “Once again, former Governor Palin is letting her religiosity cloud her thinking.” But Erbe didn't stop there.
“She and others of the Schiavo ilk read into the Bible that the public should pay for life support even when there's not a remote possibility that the life in question is salvageable. We don't need healthcare reform to resolve that problem. All we need do is shift the cost of sustaining the living dead to the people who insist on keeping them on life support. And I don't mean to their insurance companies, I mean shifting that cost to the individuals themselves.”
Attacks on Palin are nothing new for Erbe. As CMI previously reported, on March 12, Erbe wrote that Palin's teenage daughter,
And then there's Erbe's fantastic advice on April 1 when she suggested that pregnant women who are struggling financially should consider having an abortion.
Erbe seems to be the one with clouded thinking.
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