Examiner Fails to Note Soros’ Funding of Voter ID Controversy
Bedard of the Washington Examiner wrote a piece entitled “Democrats
boycott Coke, Walmart over voter ID laws” on April 4. The piece reported
the situation well, with one exception: it didn’t mention that one side
of the voter identification debate is almost completely fought by
Soros-backed organizations.
focus of the article was on a push by Color of Change, the Center for
American Progress and democratic lawmakers to boycott Walmart, Coca Cola
and other companies who financially contribute to one of the new voter
ID laws’ biggest supporters: the American Legislative Exchange Council
(ALEC). ALEC, as Bedard pointed out, is also supported by Koch
to Open Society’s website, Color of Change is a project of Citizen
Engagement Link, which received $550,000 from the Open Society
Foundation (OSF) since 2009. The Center for American Progress has
received over $5.7 million from Soros’ OSF since 2006.
Texas, Tennessee, Kansas and Wisconsin are all considering laws
requiring voters to present photo IDs upon arrival. Most of these states
currently require only a signed statement affirming that the person
voting is who they say that they are.
According to Bedard, an estimated 2-3 million democratic voters do not have a photo ID.