Flubbing the Facts: Jenna Bush "Twice Arrested"?

Reporter Sheryl Gay Stolberg flops her fact-checking, and both of her erroneous statements reflected badly on Jenna Bush.

White House reporter Sheryl Gay Stolberg's article on First Daughter Jenna Bush and her book tour, "All Grown Up, Jenna Bush Begins Book Tour and Media Blitz" opened with a belly flop:

"Just a few short years ago, she was a party-loving college girl, sticking her tongue out at Secret Service agents and giving her parents heartburn. Now Jenna Bush, 25, is sporting a diamond-and-sapphire ring, engaged to be married - though probably not at the White House, her mother says - and heading out on a book tour."


"Their mishaps made headlines; Jenna, tagged 'the blonde one' in the gossip pages, was twice arrested in connection with under-age drinking."

The Times had to correct itself in Monday's edition.

"An article on Saturday about the publication of a new book by Jenna Bush, a daughter of President and Mrs. Bush, referred incorrectly to her involvement with under-age drinking. Ms. Bush was cited twice for under-age drinking, but was never arrested. The article also referred incorrectly to a widely publicized photograph of Ms. Bush taken in 2004. She stuck her tongue out at members of the news media, not at Secret Service agents."

(The offending graphs have been corrected online.)