FNC's Wallace: 'Denier' Label Ascribes 'Religious Certainty' to Global Warming

Chris Wallace, host of “Fox News Sunday” is the latest in a long line of observers to note the essentially religious fervor of those who believe man is responsible for global warming, and the blind faith with which they cling to the science behind it.  

Wallace, appearing on the Fox Business Network’s Dec. 10 “Imus in the Morning” program to discuss the President’s European trip with stops in Oslo and Copenhagen., said the religious conviction is evident in the way climate change alarmists treat those who challenge the theory.

“The President’s going to Copenhagen – so he’s flying all over the world leaving a Sasquatch-like carbon footprint,” host Don Imus said. “So what’s that all about?”

Wallace admitted he neither disputed nor subscribed to the theory of anthropogenic global warming, but he did note how so-called global warming skeptics were portrayed.

“Look, the climate warming thing is pretty interesting,” Wallace said. “One of the things I love is – is that people who don’t believe it, and look I’m not smart enough to know if it’s true or it isn’t true, but – are called deniers, like this is a religion and they’re denying a fact.”

For example, Newsweek’s Eleanor Clift recently conceptually answered skeptics who say there is no proof man is behind global warming. Her reply: there is no proof of God either.

That sentiment, according to Wallace runs counter to is supposed to work. Science makes room for skepticism.

“I mean science is science and supposedly strong science accepts the idea of skeptics and particularly in a science like this that is not – well, I suppose the Al Gores of the world would say it is totally proven. But it doesn’t seem to be proven, and Climategate is an example of how this has become kind of a religion. And people who are skeptics about it – I think it is fair to call them skeptics, but to call them deniers ascribes a certainty, a kind of religious certainty to climate change that I don’t think exists,” Wallace said.

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