Former NYTimes Bureau Chief: ‘Revolt is the only option left’

Claims conservatives have ‘retreated into Christian fascism.’

Notice how when liberals say insane things, they never make the news? Former New York Times Middle East Bureau Chief Chris Hedges has become open about his lunacy in recent years. Hedges went on a massive anti-Israel rant during a recent liberal event in Wisconsin where he also predicted that a “revolt” is on the way.

While Hedges claimed he didn’t support revolution, he wasn’t optimistic about avoiding it. “I do not say this because I am a supporter of revolution. I am not,” he said. “Revolt is the only option left.”

*** Video gets interesting after about 16 minutes in. ***

Hedges was on stage with several notable liberals at the Fighting Bob Fest on Sept. 13. Those included Vermont Independent Sen. Bernie Sanders, Wisconsin Democrat Tammy Baldwin, former FCC Commissioner Michael Copps and Wisconsin Democratic governor candidate Mary Burke.

Of course, Hedges has made no secret of his hatred for conservatives. “The right has retreated into Christian fascism and a celebration of the gun culture,” explained the senior fellow at the Nation Institute. And the left isn’t far left enough for him either. “The left, knocked off balance by decades of fierce state repression in the name of anti-communism, has yet to rebuild itself and turn on a feckless liberal class that has sold its soul to a bankrupt Democratic Party.”

As a socialist, Hedges naturally recommended left-wing solutions to our national “crisis.” “A rational response, especially after your uprising in Madison and the Occupy movement, would at a minimum include a moratorium on all foreclosures and bank repossessions, a forgiveness of student debt, universal health care for all and a massive jobs program, especially targeted at those under the age of 25,” he explained.

Earlier in the speech, Hedges bashed Israel for its actions in Gaza, calling them “state-sponsored terror and state-sponsored murder.”

Hedges (Remember, he used to work for The New York Times.) was recently revealed to be a serial plagiarist in an embarrassing episode.