Four Outrageous Celebrity Supporters of Venezuelan Socialism
Liberal celebrities finally did something useful: they proved that it’s easier to support socialism when you have toilet paper and electricity.
Wealthy Hollywood-types have the luxury to fawn over
Over the years, a series of left-wing celebrities praised Venezuelan socialism, and the nation’s leaders Maduro and former President Hugo Chávez. Sean Penn, Oliver Stone, Michael Moore and Danny Glover are all on the list of celebs who have gushed over Chávez and Maduro, or Venezuelan socialism. said that the country “has become one of the least economically competitive countries in the world,” with collapsing infrastructure and high violent crime rates. That is the result of the political system and “proven leadership” praised by Penn and others.
1. Sean Penn on Maduro’s ‘Proven Leadership’
After former President Hugo Chávez died in March 2013, the
famous actor Sean Penn didn’t hesitate to voice his support for Chávez and
Maduro, Chávez’s vice president.
Penn, known for his Oscar-winning roles in “Mystic River” and “Milk,” declared after Chavez’s death that “Venezuela and its revolution will endure under the proven leadership of vice president Maduro,” according to The Guardian (UK).
The actor extolled the late Chávez, releasing a
statement saying “poor people around the world lost a champion.” Many
Venezuelans has a far different opinion of the dictator, than
2. Oliver Stone Accuses Protesters of ‘Desire to Kill’
Academy Award winning director Oliver Stone has also endorsed
Venezuelan socialism, recently criticizing protests against Maduro’s regime.
The Panam Post reported that Stone slammed
the popular protests in
Stone supported Chávez repeatedly. When the Venezuelan president died, Stone called him “a great hero to the majority of his people.” He also released a film in 2009, “South of the Border,” which praised Chávez, while media outlets including the Christian Science Monitor, New York Times, and Huffington Post criticized his film’s pro-Chávez bias.
3. Michael Moore Praises Chávez’s ‘Free Health & Education’
Liberal propagandist Michael Moore is another Academy Award-winning director who has gushed over Chávez’s socialist policies.
Moore, known for his left-wing issue films including “Bowling
for Columbine” and “Fahrenheit 9/11” joined the crowds of liberal admirers and praised
Chavez’s economic policies following the Venezuelan president’s death, according
to Hollywood Reporter.
4. Danny Glover Calls Chávez ‘Social-Champion of Democracy’
Outspoken liberal Danny Glover of “Lethal Weapon” fame also
praised Chávez after his passing.
Glover told MSNBC website, “the Grio,” that he joined “millions of freedom-loving people around the world” in celebrating Chávez and called him “a social-champion of democracy, material development, and spiritual well-being.”
Glover appeared in
— Sean Long is Staff Writer at the Media Research Center. Follow Sean Long on Twitter.