Green Activists on NYT Web Site Sad G.O.P. Won't 'Acknowledge...Science of Climate Change'

"[Tim] Pawlenty is one of several Republican candidates who have retreated from previous positions acknowledging the science of climate change, and a need to address it."

Not all the liberal bias emanating the Times is homegrown; some is imported, conveniently prepackaged as 'supplemental content,' courtesy of activist journalism outlets like ClimateWire and GreenWire, which operate under the wing of Environment & Energy Publishing.

ClimateWire's home page provides a taste of the paper's hard-left worldview; it's currently highlighting a tendentious series of reports on 'EPA Fugitives – Polluters on the run,' running down the 'EPA's list of wanted environmental fugitives.'

An August 12 ClimateWire piece hammered the field of 2012 G.O.P. presidential candidates as opponents of left-wing 'cap and trade' legislation aimed to reduce carbon dioxide emissions, while assuming as fact the science of 'climate change.' Reporter Evan Lehmann wrote:

Cap and trade is back.

The controversial system to reduce carbon dioxide emissions that was used potently against Democrats last year is being turned into ammunition against Republican candidates for president.

After summing up the back-and-forth scrap-fight over cap and trade between Rep. Michele Bachmann and former Minnesota Gov. (now former candidate) Tim Pawlenty at theRepublican debate in Iowa, Lehmann lamented how the G.O.P. won't acknowledge the apparently obvious truth that mankind is radically and harmfully changing the weather through industrial emissions.

[Tim] Pawlenty is one of several Republican candidates who have retreated from previous positions acknowledging the science of climate change, and a need to address it. Others include former Rep. Newt Gingrich R - Ga.) and former Govs. Mitt Romney of Massachusetts and Jon Huntsman of Utah.

The story includes a telling subhead: 'The sin of being 'too reasonable.'' While Lehmann located one liberal and one center-left group to criticize the Republican field, he avoided right-of-center think tanks with views on environmental issues, like the Competitive Enterprise Institute.

Thomas Mann, a congressional scholar with the Brookings Institute, is skeptical about the effectiveness of Huntsman's position on climate change during the Republican primary.

"It makes him appear entirely too reasonable and mainstream for the contemporary GOP," Thomas Mann, a congressional scholar with the Brookings Institution, said of Huntsman position on climate change.


Environmentalists targeted the candidates before the debate as pandering to conservative voters who denounce government regulations, at the expense of public health and reduced pollution.

The liberal Center for American Progress accused each Republican of demonizing U.S. EPA policies designed to reduce toxic air pollution. The criticism aligns the candidates with energy corporations, while rebutting long-held Republican attacks describing EPA regulations as a job-killing byproduct of big government.