Huckabee, CWA Host ‘Stand with Israel Rally’ to Combat ‘Radical Islam’
Given the media’s recent fascination with rallies, let’s see how they (don’t) cover this one.
On Sunday, Oct. 5, former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee
and Concerned Women for America
CEO and President Penny Nance will host a “Stand with Israel Rally”
in Washington D.C.
In support of the Jewish State, the event will feature
national speakers to “encourage sound defense of Israel”
as well as “reiterate America’s
duty to protect Israel
from the threat of radical Islam.”
Besides Huckabee and Nance, confirmed speakers include Rep. Trent Franks, R-AZ, Rep. Vicky Hartzler, R-MO, the Benham Brothers, and many others.
“It’s time for the United States to join together in prayer and support for Israel,” Huckabee said in a press release. After noting he has “never seen the nation under such threat,” he criticized the President:
“Israel is our closest ally and friend in the Middle East, and they are suffering due to the weak policies of the Obama Administration. The president has done little to recognize the growing threat of Hamas.”
He concluded, “God has protected this tiny, but increasingly powerful nation, and it’s time for the United States to do the same.”
Similarly, Nance recognized how “The violence wrought by Hamas, coupled with the jaw dropping anti-Semitic reaction by much of the Western world, should awaken American Christians.”
In a similar statement, she outlined the threats to Israel:
“I remind you that since 2001, over 15,000 rockets and mortars have been fired into Israel and over 1,500 since this past July from Gaza at the hands of the terrorist organization Hamas. Iran still plots to develop and aim nuclear weapons at Israel to ‘wipe them off the map,’ and ISIL and Hezbollah eye them from the north. The reaction to Israel’s self-defense against Hamas’ attacks has been shocking. Anti-Israel rallies have erupted around the nation. Jewish college students have been harassed and insulted with anti-Semitic epithets, and phony eviction notices have been shoved under the doors of their college dorm rooms.”
“What will you do?” Nance emphasized. “The world is watching.”
Both CWA and America Takes ACTION (ATA), Gov. Huckabee’s newly created organization, sponsor this event in the effort to “highlight the threat of global terrorism and the movement in the Middle East to squelch the nation of Israel.”
The Facebook event currently boasts 350 RSVPs.
— Katie Yoder is Staff Writer, Joe and Betty Anderlik Fellow in Culture and Media at the Media Research Center. Follow Katie Yoder on Twitter.