HuffPo Attacks Family Research Council as ‘Hate Group’ Even After Shooting

Less than three hours after the crime, liberal outlet slimes FRC.

Even after the shooting of a security guard at the Family Research Council, the Huffington Post can’t stop slamming the pro-family organization as a “hate group.” The Huffington Post waited less than 3 hours before publishing an article which complained about “the Family Research Council, which the Southern Poverty Law Center deems a hate group.”

Contributor Waymon Hudson, in an August 15 article titled “Paul Ryan: Poster Boy of Today's Extreme GOP,” posted an attack on Republican vice presidential candidate Paul Ryan that also slammed the Family Research Council at 1:36 PM – less than 3 hours after the shooting, which took place around 10:45 AM. Attacking Ryan as an extremist, Hudson complained that Ryan “has agreed to address the Family Research Council, which the Southern Poverty Law Center deems a hate group, at the organization's annual Value Voters Summit in September.” 

The Huffington Post’s job is to spin the news for all kinds of left-wing causes – attacks on the Family Research Council are normal. But couldn’t HuffPo at least have waited a day before repeating the charge of the left-wing hacks at the Southern Poverty Law Center and attacking a group whose members were targeted by a gunman less than three hours earlier? 

At the Huffington Post, the campaign against conservative hate groups doesn’t stop even less than three hours after conservative “hate groups” are physically attacked. 

[H/T Legal Insurrection]